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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Infections Of Many

There is an early Hospital Visit for me, in the morning. And all I can see are chest tubes, and draining apparatuses. This Respiratory Infection is worse and I am on the verge of giving in to it's powers of torture. I can't walk, shower, talk for long periods of time without virtually collapsing. With every cough the crackling is increased, and breathing is so labored, I'm wondering if it's worth trying to breath at all. Then there is my Son, so afraid and unsure of his Mommy's fate. That hurts me most of all... my baby being upset.


  1. Hope you and your son are feeling better. I know we don't want our "babies" worrying about us but isn't the love between a mom & son priceless and like no other. Son's are such treasures!!!!

  2. Yes... they are treasures... little gems... he's constantly checking on me, putting notes in my purse. Last week I found one of his Christmas gifts, a Nintendo DS lodged in the bottom of my purse. I called him and asked why he did it. He said, "I thought you may want to play it, if you're bored without me being there with you"! My Son!!

  3. Hang in there sista' yer' much tuffer than you give yourself credit for! Seriously..take care and rest, rest REST! Your body will thank you will your little guy! methinks

  4. Thank you... I'm hoping that I am! To be encouraged by others means a great deal, and I love ya for that!!! MeThinks "pink panther", How would you like to become a MI5'er?
