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Sunday, March 28, 2010

K-K-A... my home is your home!

Feeling a wee bit better, I can sit up some-what and I am able to walk longer distances before having to rest! However, Pneumonia is letting go slowly... and is trying to resist all medical assistance. As a matter of fact, I have given it a gender, had it christened ! Her name is Kitty-Karry-All. And she just woke up from her nap. I figured if she was going to bunk here, we'd be better off on a first name basis. Why, K-K-A? Because she carries a lot with her; wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing, fevers, pain ..etc
Another obvious reason why (Kitty) is fitting ... it sounds like there is a whistling, over-weight cat in/on my chest... stretching... getting ready to pounce!!

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